Lost or Found Pets
Lost & Found pet services
If you find a stray pet or lose your pet, call that town’s Animal Control Officer. For the city of Worcester, contact the city’s Animal Control Office at 508-799-1211.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some questions we are often asked about our lost or found pet services.
What do I do if my pet is lost?
Call WARL, call Animal Control, and call local animal hospitals to leave a detailed description of your pet. Post on social media, and sites like Craigslist. Hang flyers around the neighborhood. Don’t give up. The Missing Dogs Massachusetts’ Facebook page has many resources.
What do I do if I find an animal?
Call Animal Control. In the City of Worcester there is an Animal Control Officer on-call at all times. Animal Control has the training and equipment to transport the pet to WARL safely. Do not bring the animal to WARL yourself. It is also not recommended that you keep the animal – this can interfere with reuniting the pet with its owner. Please call WARL to leave a detailed found report describing the pet and location it was found.
What happens when a stray animal arrives at WARL?
Upon intake, all pets are checked for identification, including scanned for a microchip. The pets’ picture is posted on our Facebook page. Pets receive preventative vaccines, are tested and treated for contagious parasites, and any medical conditions that are apparent are treated. They are fed 2-3 times a day, have access to fresh water at all times, and are tended to throughout each day. The pets receive clean bedding, ample toys, and vital socialization. For dogs, there is a state-mandated 7 day hold period for an owner to reclaim it – there’s no hold period for cats. If pets go unclaimed they become property of WARL and are prepared for adoption. The cat’s and dogs’ temperament and health are evaluated, they’re spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and put up for adoption.
How do I reclaim my pet from WARL?
Pets reclaimed by their owner must have a valid Rabies vaccine. Dogs must also have a current dog license within the town they reside – this is issued by City or Town Hall, and the Rabies Vaccine Certificate is required. If the pet’s Rabies vaccine is outdated, WARL may be able to vaccinate the pet, or can make accommodations with a local animal hospital. These are the rules of local and state government, and the cost of care at WARL, vaccines, and other medications are the owner’s responsibility and must be paid for prior to the pet being released.