
What type of shelter is Worcester Animal Rescue League?

The mission of the Worcester Animal Rescue League is to give compassion to every being that turns to us for help, providing shelter and care for animals as well as respect and resources for people.

WARL is a limited-intake shelter with 96 dog and 41 cat kennels. Space or time limits are not placed on adoptable animals, and we can only take in animals when a kennel is available.

How can you help WARL?

  • Adopt: The best way to help is to adopt one of our many animals ready for adoption. You’ll save a life and gain a friend!
  • Donate: Without the generosity of individuals and businesses, WARL would not be able to operate. If you can donate any amount, please consider supporting the shelter.
  • Volunteer: Donating your time to helping animals in need is a great way to support WARL.
  • Foster: If you want to foster animals until they find their forever home, please let us know. We are always in need of great foster homes.
  • Wish List: We are constantly in need of supplies for the shelter. Please consider helping us in this important way!
  • Join Our Team: Looking for a career in animal care? We have positions available now.

Be a Responsible Pet Owner

Spay or neuter your pets. The only way to combat the overpopulation problem is to prevent the animals from being born. On average, a cat can give birth to a litter of kittens 3 times a year. In 7 short years, this one cat could produce over 100 kittens, which go on to have their own hundreds of kittens.

Take your pets to a veterinarian regularly. Owning a pet can be costly. That’s why WARL offers low-cost spay/neuter and vaccine clinics. But don’t let ear mites, skin and dental conditions and other medical issues go untreated; it causes unnecessary pain for your pet and a lot of money for you. It is cheaper to maintain your pet’s good health through diet and veterinary care than to wait until your pet develops a serious medical condition from what was a minor condition. There are also many pet insurance programs; ask your veterinarian to recommend one.

Do not abandon your pet for any reason. Some owners choose to dump their pets rather than pay for veterinary care. Abandoning an animal is irresponsible, cruel and illegal. Animal abandonment is a felony in Massachusetts, punishable by up to a $2,500 fine and 5 years in prison. A domestic animal does not have the skills to survive on its own. Even a domesticated bunny doesn’t have the survival skills of a wild rabbit. A domesticated animal dumped outside most likely will die of starvation, exposure or trauma.

That’s Our Story!

Now you know a little bit about Worcester Animal Rescue League. Visit us and learn how you can help us care for more animals.