
We Love Animals

we’re here to help every animal thrive

The mission of the Worcester Animal Rescue League is to give compassion to every being that turns to us for help, providing shelter and care for animals as well as respect and resources for people.

WARL is a limited-intake shelter with 96 dog and 41 cat kennels. Space or time limits are not placed on adoptable animals, and we can only take in animals when a kennel is available.

110 years of service

our history

Worcester Animal Rescue League, also known as WARL, was founded in 1912 by a group of Worcester women to help over-worked horses, stray cats and dogs. They were dedicated women who remained with WARL for the remainder of their lives.

Best Animal Rescue League Mass

our dedicated team

Our people, whether they be staff, volunteers or board members, make us go. We would be lost without our dedicated team of individuals working hard every day for our animals.

Click the button below to read more about our team and show them some love!

our re-tail store

Show off your style while supporting a great cause. It’s a win-win! Check out our online store to purchase goodies for yourself and your pets!

  • High-quality WARL gear
  • Products for your pets
  • All proceeds support our mission
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
WARL shirt
WARL Hoodie

our sponsors & partners

Without our many partners and sponsors, WARL would not be what it is. We are very fortunate to be part of the caring, engaged, and generous Worcester community. Please click the button below to view our many sponsors and community partners.

How Can I Get Involved?

Frequently Asked Questions


We rely on the generosity of our donors. Any amount can make a huge impact for the animals.

Give Supplies

At WARL, we are always in the need of supplies. This is an easy way to make a big difference.

Work at WARL

Are you a skilled animal care provider or want to learn? Check our open positions to see if a career at WARL would be good for you.



We thrive with the help of our volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer, reach out now!

Foster Animals

Want to help foster animals until they find their forever home? Contact us today to see how you can help.


At WARL, we believe every animal deserves a chance. If you are looking to adopt, we will find the perfect pet for you.